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PRICING:  Please contact to find out more about this training.

REGISTRATION:  Please contact or call 407-234-4445 to register or to find out more about this training.

TRAINING GOAL:  “To provide the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense outside of the home.”


A hands on firearm program that teaches the safe and effective use of a firearm in the protection of self and family outside of the home.  Students will learn and practice how to respond appropriately to a diverse range of threats that may be encountered outside the home using a variety of shooting skills as well as the legal ramifications of carrying concealed in public and ethical ramifications when responding to a life-threatening encounter.


This course requires an advanced knowledge of firearm safety, operation and maintenance.

Training: Protection Outside of the Home

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