REGISTRATION: Please contact or call 407-234-4445 to register or to find out more about this training.
TRAINING GOAL: “To provide shooters with the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to operate a pistol defensively.”
A 3 Hour hands on defensive firearm program for gun owners that teaches the practical application of draw, move, cover, communicate and shoot. Students will learn how to obtain situational awareness, effectively present a weapon, perform lateral and tactical movements, communicate effectively and if necessary, shoot to make every shot count.
- Situational Awareness (Early recognition, body language, etc)
- Draw (Effectively present a weapon from a holster or from concealed position)
- Move (Lateral and tactical movements)
- Find Cover (Use cover and concealment effectively)
- Communicate (Use simple and effective verbal commands to deter your attacker)
- Shoot (If necessary), make every shot count)
This course requires an advanced knowledge of pistol safety, operation and maintenance.
Training: Defensive Pistol